About Us
My house shall be called a house of prayer.
Our Purpose
To transform our world by becoming walking houses of prayer where people encounter Jesus.
Our Rule of Life
A rule of life is a framework for shared life in Christ. Our Purpose, Posture, Principles, and Practices form a rule of life that unifies our community as we each pursue Jesus, and shapes how we make disciples.

Our Posture
We are committed to being a community of GRACE and TRUTH.
We are committed to being people marked by the radical grace that overflows from having experienced God’s grace at work in our own lives. Compelled by this, we welcome the hurting, broken, marginalized, and needy, and lavish upon them the healing love of Jesus. We invite the Spirit of God to grant us an experiential understanding of His grace—which wipes away our sin, empowers us to live Christlike lives, produces love for others, and gifts us to contribute uniquely to God’s mission through the Church.
We are committed to being people of truth who stand on God’s Word—both Written and Revealed—by studying it, listening to it, living it, teaching it, and submitting everything to it; by speaking truth—to glorify God, build up the church, resolve conflicts, and lovingly confront sin; and by being agents of redemption to the world—preaching the gospel, advocating for the needy, and challenging cultural lies and systems through the constructive presentation of the Kingdom of God.
Our Principles
Three principles drive our discipleship to Jesus. These are taken from the Greatest Commandment (Matt 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20).
True to Christ
Kind to People
Bold in Mission
Our Practices
We are committed to putting God first by cultivating daily rhythms of prayer from which our spiritual life will flow. Prayer is the primary means of partnering with God as He works in the world and is our response to His revelation—in creation, in His Word, in the person of Jesus, and through the manifestation of the Spirit.
We are committed to using the gifts God has given us to contribute constructively to the world, honoring the variety and diversity of ways God’s creativity is expressed. We are asking God to ignite our imaginations in order to be innovative in living out our faith.
We are committed to creating a welcoming atmosphere where people can belong and be known, where friendship can flourish across the boundaries of society, and where growth and deep healing can take place.
We are committed to looking outside the walls of our building to carry the gospel to those near and far, incarnating His presence, declaring His truth to all people, and building strategic partnerships to support the spread of the gospel to the ends of the Earth.
We are committed to being agents of justice, reflecting the upside-down nature of the Kingdom as we serve the poor and disenfranchised in our communities, and use our resources to serve the community, to equip workers, and to advocate for the voiceless.
We are committed to being life-long learners, walking in humility and openness as we learn together. We value holistic discipleship as we train and empower people to grow in their faith, their life-skills, and their leadership.